Monday, December 5, 2011

I came out alright

You know, people are so worried about how kids act these days. I remember a time when I was little where the worst thing I could hear from anyone was "Just wait until your father gets home." That was enough to make anyone walk the straight and narrow. My parents believed in spanking. I am the oldest of 4, so I got it a lot. Especially when I was not doing what I was supposed to, or if I did something what was wrong. I was no angel. I have been spanked with a shoe, a belt, a hand. And someone has to understand, THAT IS NOT ABUSE!!!! There is a line between spanking as discipline and abusing your kids. I turned out ok. I have not killed anyone. Yeah, I fought and drank and tried drugs. I have even spent nights with women. But I was NEVER abused.

Moral of the story is, parents do not be afraid to discipline your children. They are not too young to learn, they are not too young to start. One word of caution: It is YOUR responsibility to define the line between being a good parent and making sure that your child knows what they did was wrong, and just going off the deep end and beating the hell out of your child. No one can do it for you. Better they learn it now, rather than have to learn it the hard way later on in life.

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